It has been a rather crazy week! Transfer calls came and Elder Sheppard is... not leaving? Apparently he was extended for half a transfer (3 weeks). So he'll stay my companion for another 3 weeks, which is good, because theres still so much I can learn from him. However, upon asking the Assistants to the President who would be my companion when Elder Sheppard leaves (in the middle of the transfer, when everyone else already has their companions) they replied "we don't know". So, I may be companionless in 3 weeks? That may be lonely.
I've had some fun moments this week. On an exchange, my district leader, Elder Killinger, and I, biked 3 miles to contact a referal, only to find that the referal didn't exist. So we decided to knock some doors on the way back so it wouldn't be a wasted trip, and we found a girl named Crystal, who said that missionaries had been at her house only an hour before. We assumed she meant Jehovah's Witnesses or anything of the like, but she said they were on bikes, wearing white shirts and ties, and had nametags! Weird! We decided it was 2 of the 3 Nephites (the third one was on splits with John.)
But the weirdest things happened on Sunday! That is 1. When we got our transfer calls, and found out Elder Sheppard is staying. 2. I ran into my trainer, Elder Asay! I missed that guy. and 3. I gave somebody the Aaronic priesthood! Something I had never done before. In fact I can see him here at the library! I'm going to have to go say Hi after I finish writing this. But that was really exciting! But the highlight of my Monday so far, is 5 hours ago my companion and I committed a Family to baptism! They are amazingly open, and want to know as much as they can about the Restored Gospel here on the earth today (and so should all of you).
Anyway, guess what? Chicken Butt! I heard from a lot of people that I haven't heard from in forever, this week! That was really exciting! Thank you Mitch, Nathan, and Canada! Everyone else, shame for not writing. Sorry this letter has been all over the place, I have a bit more energy then I usually do when writing this. But! I love you all.
Elder Keenan Monnett
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