Friday, February 11, 2011

Another Week

...and they seem to be going by quicker. But we're not going to think about that. I feel like I have learned quite a few lessons this last week.

My first lesson is to always follow your leaders, even if you don't think they know best, because we are blessed for obedience, and the lord placed them there for a reason. Not that I was guilty of disobedience, but my attitude wasn't always best with my leaders. But it's not about their heart, it's about yours. You can think the person who leads you is the biggest idiot in the world, but you're the one that will pay the price for disobedience and poor attitude, not them.

Second, was follow the spirit, and don't get prideful when it makes you look amazing. I believed this was mentioned in Dieter F. Uchtdorf's talk on pride. I had an experience this last week with teaching a lesson. An investigator asked a question, and I gave an answer that was definitely inspired by the spirit, because I didn't know the things I was saying before I started answering. Afterwords, the investigator made a comment on how good the answer that I gave was, and later, my companion too. Staying humble is tricky, because you can't put yourself down, and say "that wasn't me at all, I'm terrible" because God has chosen you for a reason, and it wasn't because you're terrible. But on the flip side, you can't get a big head.

These lessons both seem to fall in line with humility. We have to humbly submit to our leaders. We have to be humble to recieve inspiration, and later, humbly give credit where it is due. All in all, there's not a whole lot we can do without humility.

I love you all!

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