Transfer calls have come! Elder Seumanu is leaving me to go out to the mountains, up in Modesto North Stake. My new companion is Elder Broadhead. I don't know too much about it, other than I've met him before in passing, but we'll see how things go. I'm at a point now where I'm no longer concerned about getting along with people, and more just concerned that we'll have something in common. So far, not too bad. But that leads me into my first rant.
I've been on my mission for 12 transfers now. As of Wednesday, I'll be on my 13th one of 17. In 13 transfers, I'll have had 13 companions, and It's starting to be a little frustrating. Just when I start to get to know somebody, I then have to learn how to work with somebody else. Remember, I'm not complaining, just ranting.
My second rant is much more important than my first however. My second rant is about families. You ever had one of those moments where you're thinking about something that you've heard a thousand times, but the 1001st time you think about it, suddenly the importance of it clicks? Well I had one of those moments one night laying in bed. I was thinking about the problems that exist in our society, and how it's continuing to get worse. I mean, just imagine the things that were considered obscene and wrong 50 years ago. Now think of how it might be 50 years from now. It can be a scary thought. So I wondered why this decay was there, why was it getting worse, and what could possibly be done to fix it? Its apparent that the problem with our society is a lack of good morals and ethics that are lacking in society. Ok, so we need to be taught better ethics and morals, but how could we possibly teach that? It wouldn't really be effective to try to teach it in the school primarily. Then it clicked. That kind of stuff has to be taught in the families! Now, this was a real duh moment, because how many times have we been told that fixing families would fix the world, but at this moment it really hit home for me. When we shape and raise our children, we are literately helping to shape the future of society. Now, I believe that the degradation of society has been contributed to by a nasty tool of Satan, and that is Divorce.
Now, I understand that sometimes divorce is unavoidable, but at the same time, not when both parties are giving all they can to making it work. When a divorce happens, it doesn't simply effect you. It doesn't just effect your spouse. It doesn't even only effect your Children, but eventually and inevitably, it effects society as a whole, because when children don't have the example of both parents working in a home, teaching them not only in words but by example as well, it does much more for society than children who don't have that example, it does more for children than friends, or school, or church ever could. We literately shape the future by the example we set for others. Teach your kids good examples, not simply so they can be better people, but so that the world can be a better place.
I'm done.
I love and miss you all!
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