Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Baptizing Ninjas!

Another week, another baptism! A wonderful guy named Paul Johnson overcame all the odds and was baptized yesterday! I would send a picture, but I forgot my camera. He has been investigating the church on and off for almost 2 years! Due to recent events in his life, he realized the importance that this message has.

Over the past 3 weeks I have been able to watch his testimony grow and grow! It's wonderful! Speaking of growing testimonies, We sat down with another investigator named Josh this last week, and we watched the Testaments with him (great movie!). We had been teaching him, and though he was a solid investigator, who remembered most things that we told him, he had yet to pray about the Book of Mormon, so he hadn't decided whether he believed it or not.

Before we started watching this movie, he said that he had prayed about the Book of Mormon, and he felt good, but he wasn't convinced that was his answer. So we sat down and watched the Testaments with him. When the movie ended, Brother Capall (our ward mission leader) was in tears, I was (embarrassingly) in tears! But most importantly, JOSH was in tears! Afterwords Elder Sheppard asked him if he thought the Book of Mormon was true, and without a moments hesitation he said "Yes, I know this is the word of God". AMAZING!

I just wanted to take what little time I have remaining, and talk about Cole Kem. Cole Kem was married to a member of the church, but because she married outside of the Church, she had trouble staying active, and eventually gave in to inactivity. When the missionaries started talking to the Kems, Cole had no belief in God. He was convinced there was no God, and the missionaries struggled for two years to convince him there was. Cole Kem was baptized 3 weeks ago, and he has one of the strongest testimonies I've ever heard. He was even asked to speak at Paul Johnson's baptism, and he did amazingly. I have never seen someone so truly converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ than Cole Kem, who was formerly an Atheist. Its really encouraged me to step up my faith, and recognize all the miracles that God has preformed for me.

Well it looks as if I'm out of time, but I love you all!

Elder Keenan Monnett

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