So, as my picture shows, I've been transferred, made an assistant, and with the comes the perks of a new car and a new companion. Kidding! I couldn't resist. The picture was sombody elses idea, though I willfully consented. It looks so apostate. I love it. I did go for a ride in that Viper. Sorry Sandy, I think it might be a slight quicker than your mustang. What blows me away, is that its a 97 viper, but it looks brand new. I have to hand it to Dodge for really capturing the futuristic look back then.
This morning, I tried to attempt the Grand Slam Challenge at Batter Up Pancakes, which entails Eating 10 scrambled eggs, 2 cups of country potatoes, 1 cup of cheese, 4 cups of my choice of toppings, all on top of a 24 oz pancake. Needless to say, I failed miserably, and wasted 36 dollars in the process. I was a little bummed about that one. But I loved the experience, and now I have more experience for when I try again....
I found out on Saturday that I'm being transferred. This not only means the depressing news that I'm leaving the Riverside Ward, which I have come to love so much, but I'm also moving onto my 15th Transfer, with my 15th companion. Now, as to where I'm going, I was originally told that I was being transferred to the Orchardview ward in the Fresno north Stake to be companions with Elder Cox, which I was really excited about, because I've served around Elder Cox before and I really enjoyed him. However, last night I got a call from the Zone Leaders telling me things have changed, and I'm now going to the Caruthers Ward in the Hanford Zone to be with Elder Giesey (Bonus points to those who remember that I've served with him before.). Now, what confuses me is that Elder Giesey and I both go home in January, so its a little Odd that we're together. However, I'm sure president has something planned, and I'll try to go along with that plan. I'll tell you how everything has gone next week.
I love and miss you all!
-- Elder Keenan Monnett
-- Elder Keenan Monnett
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