Hello everyone. Another week has come and gone. Let me tell you a bit about it.
A member and I on a split went by a Convalescence home to visit a Sister who has Alzheimer's. It was a very sad place, but at the same time, I enjoyed being there, cause I just wanted to find some way to help everyone there. Unfortuantely the Sister we went to visit wasn't available, but it felt good just smiling and waving at people. People should do that more often. It feels good to be smiled and waved at.
Learned how to play touch rugby. Thats a fun sport, but it was hard to break yourself out of the football "have to get ahead" mentallity, cause you can't do a forward pass in rugby. It was a pretty fun Game though. I'd like to see a real game played in person. President Gelwix was nice enough to teach us all how to play, and speaking of which, everyone should click Right Here!and see his Mormon.org video and profile!
One short little rant I'd like to go on before I finish. Home teaching. I never realized how much of a problem there is in doing home teaching. I cant say its like this everywhere, but the ward I'm serving in has about a 24% home teaching ratio. It doesn't take much effort, and you're doing a huge service to the people you home teach. It may not seem like a big deal, but If everyone who reads this does there home teaching this month, I can promise you'll be happier for it.
Well, I'm about out of time, but I love and miss you all!
-- Elder Keenan Monnett
-- Elder Keenan Monnett
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