Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The time is far spent. . . .

Thank you so much for everyone that has sent me letters. It really does encourage a missionary to get letters. To anyone who hasn't sent me letters; shame on you. To anyone who has; I promise I'll write you back eventually, its just that the time is far spent, there is little remaining. I only have 2 full days left here at the MTC. I can't believe that time has gone as quickly as it has. I guess when your brain is working as hard as it has been here, time just seems like a menial thing that your brain stops keeping track of.

I can't believe that in 2 days, I'll be in the field, with a companion, talking to real investigators. I'm so excited. Don't get me wrong, the MTC is amazing. I'm not sure of any other place where you can learn this much, surrounded by so many worthy priesthood holders, and a gym so nice to work out in. Seriously, I've lost 4 pounds, even though I've been stuffing my face everyday. So leaving the MTC, and all the missionaries in my district, and my teachers, will be hard, but its almost completely overshadowed by the fact that I'm about to do what I set out to do. Be a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints. To help bring the restored gospel to thousands of people who need it. "Should we not go on in such great a cause?" I really love that Joseph Smith movie.

So, the spiritual thought I will share with you today is about the power of prayer. "Pray always, that ye may come off conqueror, yea, that you may conquer Satan..." Prayer can help every aspect of your life. Everyone of you should be praying the minute you wake up, right before bed, over every meal (even if you're in public! In fact, especially if your in public!) You see, God tends to like when we tell him we're thankful for things he has blessed us with, just like a parent likes hearing that from a child, and He is more likely to bless us with more if we show him that we're thankful for what we have.

One of the apostles said that the power of miracles is brought on through the power of prayer. It couldn't be more true. I wouldn't have made it through these last few weeks if it weren't through the power of prayer, and our Heavenly Father's grace. He truly loves everyone of us, and wants to bless us, we just need to ask for it before he will, because he won't pour out his blessings upon people that don't show appreciation for what he's already done. So keep that in mind, and pray right now!

I love you all,
Elder Keenan Monnett

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