Friday, February 11, 2011

Not Much New...

Things have been staying pretty standard. Just so everyone is aware, Heather Stiffler was baptized this last Saturday, which is amazing! Another investigator we've been teaching should be baptized this Sunday! And General Conference is happening this weekend, which is super awesome! All in all, it should be a pretty good week.

On the list of bad things that have happened this week, I saw 7 week old puppies die of Parvo, and we seem to have a problem of Gossip and Rumors in the ward. It really stinks when it's outside of your stewardship and there's not much you can do to stop it. Getting involved certainly wouldn't help. But I think its just the ward adjusting to the 3rd Bishop they've had this year, so things should blow over. Besides, I really love this ward.

So after getting weekly emails from other missionaries in exotic parts of the world, I realize just how boring my emails sound. I mean, it's not like I can spend a lot of time talking about the culture (though California can be strange. For example, the movement to legalize Marijuana goes to vote this november, the schools seem to have no dress code (another reason I'm glad for winter) and Visalia seems to be full of crazy people).

I can say, and I hate repeating this in almost every email, that just when I thought that summer was over, and we where moving into a very comfortable fall, California said "FORGET THAT!" and shot back up into the 100's. Joy.

I'm pretty much done ranting in this letter. I promise my next letter will be much more interesting. Oh, and I'll find out if I'm getting transferred or not this Saturday.

I love you all!

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