Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Broken Refrigerators and new Mission Presidents

As you can tell by the subject, it has been an exciting week. This morning, as I was eating my bowl of cereal, I noted that my milk was a tad warmer than milk should be. We checked, and found out that on full blast, our fridge could only go as low as 40 degrees, and on normal it would get as high as 55. So in a hurry, we moved all of our food to the church fridge (fingers crossed that it's still there when we go to pick it up). Not quite sure what's wrong with it, but the apartment staff promised we'd have a new one by tomorrow, so that's exciting.

But even more exciting than that is the announcement of who our new mission president is going to be this July. We got a call out (a voice message) from President Gonzalez telling us that our new mission president is going to be Larry Gillwick, and went on to say:

"some of you may have heard of Larry Gillwick. He coached the highly successful Highland Rugby team for 37 years, and the movie 'Forever Strong' is based on him and his efforts",

Ironically, my companion and I had just been talking that morning about how we weren't sure anyone could fill the shoes of President Gonzalez and the great work that he has done. Now we're getting Larry Gillwick, who was depicted in the movie 'Forever Strong'. I think some exciting things are going to happen in this mission, or should I say, continue to happen.

Other than those exciting things, we've been having delightfully spring-like weather, and very little rain. Maybe California weather isn't so bad after all. Just kidding, talk to me in 3 months.

I love and miss you all!
-- Elder Keenan Monnett

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