Friday, February 11, 2011

Just Kidding, I'm not Training!

I made it all the way to Fresno for the picking up of new missionaries, only to be pulled out halfway through the meeting by President Gonzales and told that my trainee never made it out of the Philippines to the MTC, but that Salt Lake had made the mistake of buying him a Plane ticket to Fresno anyway, so when President got the list, he was on it. Needless to say, he never came off the Plane. Luckily, there was an Extra missionary in the mission, Elder Johnson, who has only been out for 6 weeks. So technically I'm step-training now, instead of Training, which there are numerous positives and negatives to that I won't go into here. But regardless, things are moving along, and I am still Senior companion, which is still more responsibility than I had before. It's very interesting. You don't really notice all the things that the Senior companion does until you have to do it yourself, and then your companion is now, in turn, questioning you. But it is always a learning experience, and because of this, my favorite quote of the week is this:

"Don't let your responsibilities overwhelm you, but enjoy the challenge that they present. Although you may not have the confidence in your own abilities, Heavenly Father does and that is why he has presented you with these challenges."

As always, I appreciate the emails and the letters that I receive, and the prayers that are said on my behalf, and on behalf of all the Missionaries. I love and miss you all.


Things here in this... interesting.. town of Visalia have continued about the same. Not much changes to be seen here. But what I have seen is the power that comes from genuine active prayer. It still seems a miracle to me that no matter what it may be, whether I am in a bad mood, a sad mood, a sick mood, or anything of the like, that prayer will always pull me back. It is also interesting to note that when we find ourselves in these moods of Anger, Sadness, or frustration, when we need to pray most, we find it most difficult to kneel and utter a prayer. President Ezra Taft Benson said that "If we do not feel like praying, we should pray until we do feel like praying." This couldn't be more true, in times of trial and in times of temptation. We'll find that the moment we kneel and place our burdens on God, we will feel a load removed from us. Prayer protects and helps us, and others. We express love to many people all the time, but the best way that we could show our love to others would be to pray for them and us. Ask your Heavenly Father to help them, and to make you aware of ways that you could help them. Many times, when I family or individual meets with the Bishop and begins discussing their problems, the first questions the Bishop will ask is "Are you reading the scriptures" and "are you praying". For most it doesn't seem like their problems will be solved that easily, and they're probably right. Prayer will not necessarily remove the burdens that have been placed upon us, but will make them easier to bear, and more joyful to endure.

I love and miss you all. I will be praying for you. Pray for me, and each other.

Elder Keenan Monnett

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